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2017年03月01日 11:19:00  








  1. 2006/09-2010/11,西安交通大学,电子科学与技术,博士

  2. 2003/9–2006/6, 星际网游, 通信与信息系统, 硕士

  3. 1999/9–2003/7, 星际网游, 通信工程, 学士


  1. 2019/05-至今,星际网游,软件学院,教授,副经理

  2. 2017/12-2019/05,星际网游,星际网游,教授

  3. 2015/07-2017/12,星际网游,中国人民解放军军事科学院军事医学研究院,博士后

  4. 2012/09-2017/12,星际网游,星际网游,副教授

  5. 2010/12-2012/09,星际网游,计算机科学与技术博士后流动站,博士后


  1. 中国计算机学会生物信息专业委员会 委员

  2. 中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会 委员

  3. 新疆抗癌协会肿瘤人工智能专业委员会 主任委员

  4. 新疆重大疾病防治与转化省部共建协同创新中心学术委员会 副主任委员


  1. 国家重点研发计划,2019YFC1606104,建立新疆特色乳制品和特色水果干食品安全的风险评估模型和大数据云平台,2019.12-2022.12,79万元。

  2. 国家自然科学基金,61765014,基于纳米异质结/光子晶体复合体系的SERS基底的构筑及其在宫颈癌血清诊断中的应用研究,2018.01-2021.12,37万元。

  3. 自治区自然基金杰出青年项目,2022D01E11,基于振动光谱学技术的信息融合模型对口腔癌早期筛查及精准诊治的研究,2021.01-2025.01,50万元。

  4. 自治区天山青年-杰出青年科技人才培养项目,2019Q003,面向新疆公共卫生领域的智能诊断与大数据技术研究,2020.06-2022.06,50万元。

  5. 国家自然科学基金,11264038,光子晶体增强的高效纳米金-多孔硅光员工物传感器,2013.01-2016.12,60万元。

  6. 自治区科技支疆项目计划,2019E0215,基于挖掘的医疗大数据增量脱敏平台的开发与应用示范,2019.01-2021.12,35万元。

  7. 2016年国家万人计划科技创新领军人才后备计划

  8. 2014国家万人计划青年拔尖人才后备计划

  9. 2013新疆维吾尔自治区高层次引进人才计划

  10. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(二等)《信号增强多孔硅基生物传感器应用开发的关键技术研究》

  11. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金《硅基光子晶体生物传感器的优化设计与信号检测算法研究》

  12. 2021年自治区专家顾问团决策研究与咨询项目《新疆特色产业集群数字化转型决策应用研究》

  13. 乌鲁木齐市经济和信息化委员会委托主持编纂《乌鲁木齐信息产业集群发展规划 2013-2020》


  1. 2021年度新疆科学技术奖-技术发明一等奖,多孔硅生物传感器的创制,排名第二

  2. I TEST快速检测解决方案,第六届“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛初创组国家铜奖。

  3. I TEST快速检测解决方案,首届西北四省老员工创新创业大赛二等奖。

  4. Hybridization assay of insect antifreezing protein gene by novel multilayered porous silicon nucleic acid biosensor,自治区优秀自然科学论文二等奖。




  1. Qu H, Wu W, Chen C, et al. Application of serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with an ensemble learning method in rapid diagnosis of gliomas[J]. Analytical Methods, 2021.

  2. Chen C, Wu W, Chen C, et al. Rapid diagnosis of lung cancer and glioma based on serum Raman spectroscopy combined with deep learning[J]. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2021.

  3. Chen F, Chen C, Li W, et al. Rapid detection of seven indexes in sheep serum based on Raman spectroscopy combined with DOSC-SPA-PLSR-DS model[J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 248: 119260.

  4. Chen F, Meng C, Qu H, et al. Human serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with machine learning algorithms for rapid detection of gliomas[J]. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2021: 102308.

  5. Yang B, Chen C, Chen F, et al. Identification of cumin and fennel from different regions based on generative adversarial networks and near infrared spectroscopy[J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 260: 119956.

  6. Yang B, Chen C, Chen F, et al. Feature fusion combined with tissue Raman spectroscopy to screen cervical cancer[J]. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2021.

  7. Yang B, Chen C, Cheng C, et al. Detection of breast cancer of various clinical stages based on serum FT-IR spectroscopy combined with multiple algorithms[J]. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2021, 33: 102199.

  8. Jia D, Chen C, Chen C, et al. Breast Cancer Case Identification Based on Deep Learning and Bioinformatics Analysis[J]. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12.

  9. Zhang H, Chen C, Ma C, et al. Feature Fusion Combined With Raman Spectroscopy for Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer[J]. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2021, 13(3): 1-11.

  10. Zhu Z, Chen C, Chen C, et al. Prediction of tumor size in patients with invasive ductal carcinoma using FT-IR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics: a preliminary study[J]. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2021, 413(12): 3209-3222.

  11. Fan Y, Chen C, Xie X, et al. Rapid noninvasive screening of cerebral ischemia and cerebral infarction based on tear Raman spectroscopy combined with multiple machine learning algorithms[J]. Lasers in Medical Science, 2021: 1-8.

  12. Zhang S, Chen C, Chen C, et al. Research on Application of Classification Model Based on Stack Generalization in Staging of Cervical Tissue Pathological Images[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 48980-48991.

  13. Chen C, Yang B, Si R, et al. Fast detection of cumin and fennel using NIR spectroscopy combined with deep learning algorithms[J]. Optik, 2021, 242: 167080.

  14. Ma M, Tian X, Chen F, et al. The application of feature engineering in establishing a rapid and robust model for identifying patients with glioma[J]. Lasers in Medical Science, 2021: 1-9.

  15. Li M, Ma X, Chen C, et al. Research on the Auxiliary Classification and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Subtypes Based on Histopathological Images[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 53687-53707.

  16. Zhang H , Cheng C , Gao R , et al. Rapid identification of cervical adenocarcinoma and cervical squamous cell carcinoma tissue based on Raman spectroscopy combined with multiple machine learning algorithms[J]. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2021, 33(21):102104.

  17. Huang P , X  Tan, Chen C , et al. AF-SENet: Classification of Cancer in Cervical Tissue Pathological Images Based on Fusing Deep Convolution Features[J]. Sensors, 2020, 21(1):122.

  18. Yue F , Chen C , Yan Z , et al. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with deep learning and data enhancement for quick diagnosis of abnormal thyroid function[J]. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020, 32(12):101923.

  19. Chen F ,  Xiao M ,  Chen C , et al. Discrimination of alcohol dependence based on the convolutional neural network[J]. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(10):e0241268.

  20. Zhang Z ,  Sun T ,  Xie X , et al. Early auxiliary screening of cerebral infarction based on lacrimal Raman spectroscopy and SVM algorithm[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2020, 218(2):165248.

  21. Gao R , Chen C , Wang H , et al. Classification of multicategory edible fungi based on the infrared spectra of caps and stalks[J]. PLOS ONE, 2020, 15.

  22. Li M , X Nie, Reheman Y , et al. Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Staging of Pancreatic Cancer Based on CT Images[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:1-1.

  23. Chen C ,  Yang L ,  Li H , et al. Raman spectroscopy combined with multiple algorithms for analysis and rapid screening of chronic renal failure[J]. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020, 30:101792.

  24. Du Y , Lv G , Li H , et al. Quantitative analysis of hepatitis B virus DNA based on raman spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical methods[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2020, 17(2):025001 .

  25. Chen F , Chen C , Chen C , et al. Application of PLSR in rapid detection of glucose in sheep serum[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2020, 224: 165734.


  1. 陈晨,吕小毅,彭建明,刘沛,吴伟,林国源. 医学影像数据脱敏装置[P]. CN211827254U.

  2. 张宁芮,项炬,李敏,吕小毅,陈晨,严紫薇,陈程. 一种基于快速网络嵌入的疾病基因 预测方法[P]. CN111540405A.

  3. 陈晨,林国源,刘沛,吕小毅,冯声亚. 基于光谱分析的水质采样分析无人船[P]. CN211086072U.

  4. 刘沛,陈晨,吕小毅,冯声亚. 基于光谱分析仪的便携式水质检测净水器[P]. CN211056749U.

  5. 张文 强,彭建明,吴伟,陈晨,吕小毅,严紫薇,范杨杨,陈程. 一种基于数据脱敏的 CT 医疗图像清洗方法[P]. CN111382151A.

  6. 陈晨,吕小毅,程金盈,吕国栋,莫家庆. 基于优化反向传播神经网络的包虫病血清拉曼光谱诊断仪[P].CN108088834B.

  7. 陈晨,谢小东,孙甜甜,吕小毅,张紫薇. 一种基于眼泪的脑梗死模型的建立方法及其应用[P].CN110890158A.

  8. 陈晨,林国源,刘沛,吕小毅,冯声亚. 基于光谱分析的水质采样分析无人船及其采样分析方法[P].CN110726687A.

  9. 严紫薇,吕小毅,王静,马彩玲,刘沛. 便携式宫颈癌诊断仪装置[P]. CN213580663U.


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